Wednesday, December 14, 2005

buying a goat

we are we are. for a hungry family. we might try to buy a few of them.

with funds raised from our annual chutney club christmas hamper raffle. tickets are on sale now. the draw is on the 24th of december at newtown social club 181 brunswick street 2 pm.

buy a ticket (there; or from your friendly club member) before then and you'll be in with a chance to win one of two hampers of chutney club booty... which means chrismas will be joyous and tasty.

some featured items are

drews jalapeno sauce
brookes mango & strawberry love jam
dell's peppercorn jelly
kates rhubarb & ginger jam
dons big apple chutney
estelles nectarine chutney
cate peachy-keen christmas chutney
annies date & apple chutney

also some other tasty goods...

funds rasied will also go towards our club social; which even sausage club will be invited too... cake club too. a taste sensation.

chutney club christmas hamper

Thursday, December 01, 2005

chutney club christmas hamper

chutney club christmas hamper. we will meet on the day of sun. at the park with many jars. we will disperse them. rachael (yes she who was long lost to darwin and china) will return bearing secrets and annie shall return with our newest member for introductions and adoration and such. go forth and preserve.

and if someone tries to sell you a ticket in the chutney club christmas hamper BUY HEAPS!

you might win. and that would be grand. winners are grinners.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

the apple of my eye

we had the most idylic meeting ever. in brookies backyard sping time laying about on cushions looking at the very goodlooking chutney and chutney clubbers. tasted good too. my apple, rhubarb and black sesame jelly may have won the prize for best looking, you'll have to take my word for it...
NO here it is. pretty huh?
dell's black & pink
CHOOK eats chutney
chook eats chutney

i love chutney club

chutney club keeps cool
bringing people together, chutney club love
chutney club love
don's big apple chutney

cate & emma
cake club intruder... AGAIN!
an intruder

it also makes us friendly

Monday, October 17, 2005


need i say more? three weeks... cook it bitches. it just has to have apple in it.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


melbourne chutney clubbers

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

going international

bbq sauce

making new zealand chutney, maybe kiwi, maybe feijoa, probably kiwi. then maybe just bbq sauce. hope melbourne chutney is sweet.

Friday, August 19, 2005

mystery no. 1.

the missing chutney club christmas hamper

we all donated one jar from our november meeting. held on the roof of my house in argyle street. i think. after our final countdown party. it was at my house on the bookshelf, as pictured until i moved out. in the confusion & mayhem that followed (three day garage sale / party) i have no recollection of who might have it.

we were just going to raise funds for drugs or something. and estelle express posted her chutney all the way from the national capital.

i must follow this up with the dolly go-lightly detective agency when i am back in melbourne town. if anyone has any clearer information don't hesitate to let us know.

chutney club hamper