Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas Hamper 2010

chutney club

It's happening again. Go to your friendly chutney club member for your chance to win one of three amazing hamper prizes.

Each Hamper will also include some wine, crackers and other goods to help you enjoy the chutney club experience. As well as giving you the chance to win some of this loot, proceeds will allow us to loan money via Kiva. Last year we raised over $500 and have been receiving updates all year on the benefits of our loans. We also contribute gifts to Oxfam and with the proceeds from the last fundraiser we bought goats, a veggie patch, fruit trees, some breakfast and also some eggs.

Working in 26 countries, Oxfam Australia is providing people with the skills and resources needed to develop their own solutions to poverty. Simple things like seeds, clean water systems, and skills training can mean the difference between desperate poverty and hope for the future.

The raffle will be drawn at the end of year BBQ on December 19th. We will endeavor to deliver prizes within Melbourne before Christmas to help with festivities. Get in touch if you want a ticket or if you'd like to contribute!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Wards

We had a meeting at the Ward's house, to get provisions for a BBQ summer. We were also collecting for this year's Christmas Hamper Raffle. Here are some of the featured preserves (my camera ran out of batteries half way through this process).

Simon's O Mi Corazon Salsa Picante. Yum. Kate's Garlic and Chili Sauce. Double Yum.

Mr Ward made Rose Onion Relish, and Mrs Ward, a Classic Tomato Chutney.
Hoops made a spicy Szechuan Sauce and I made a fruity Mango BBQ Sauce.

Drew brought his famous Pickled Onions, Estelle made an amazing Strawberry Vinegar, which Sailor wanted to drink, and Birdy made Rhubarb Cordial, which I wanted to drink, with Gin and lime and mint.

Flieschmann made a delicious California Chutney, Don made a Green Tomato Relish with Loquat and Annie bought us a zesty Redesdale Apple Chutney.

There was a rich Marmalade from Brooke and an Apple Pear and Ginger Conserve from Estelle.

Mrs Ward supplied charming sailboat skewers and woody coasters too. The children are boosting our numbers with Leroy (welcome!) Iggy, Clancy, Sadie, Scout, Sailor and Samaya.
I'll soon be posting hamper details, featuring the above bounty and more. Chutney Club love!